



attribute default description
id none specifies the unique ID
class none specifies the style sheet class
style none specifies the style sheet
name none specifies the frame name
src none specifies the URL of the document to be displayed in the frame
frameborder none specifies whether or not to display border around the frame
bordercolor none specifies the color of the frame border
marginwidth browser dependency specifies the left and right margins of the frame
marginheight browser dependency specifies the top and bottom margins of the frame
noresize --- specifies whether the user can resize the frame
scrolling auto specifies scrollbar action(yes, no, auto)


HTML 4.01 [F], XHTML 1.0 [F]
Microsoft (MSDN)
[IE3 or later][Firefox 1 or later][Safari 1 or later][Opera 3 or later][Netscape 2 or later]


The frame tag specifies a content displayed in a frame and how to display it there.

Related Tags

frameset, iframe, noframes

Sample Code [Output]

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=shift_jis">
<frameset rows="20%,*">
<frame src="top.html">
<frame src="bottom.html">