HTML Tag Reference
This page offers HTML Tag Reference.
The tags, whose names are red characters in their titles and the background color of whose names is red in the left menu bar, are browser-specific ones.
The tags, the background color of whose names is yellow in titles and in the left menu bar, are deprecated in HTML 4.01.
The attributes, whose names are red characters, are depending on browsers. Therefore even if setted them, they will not be implemented in each browser.
The attributes, the background color of whose names is yellow, are deprecated in HTML 4.01.
In the item (Support), HTML 4.01 [STF] indicates that the tag supports three HTML 4.01 document types : S = Strict, T = Transitional and F = Frameset. HTML 4.01 [TF] indicates that the tag supports Transitional and Frameset. HTML [F] indicates that the tag supports Frameset. XHTML 1.0 [STF] also indicates in a similar notation.
And some notations have question mark "?". This means that it is unconfirmed and unknown that the tag works in the browser. In addition, the tag, which is not supported by any of the browsers, does't have browser version notation.
Last update : 2007/4/20 PM 5:07
2007 Copyright KaZuhiro FuRuhata