Class YAHOO.widget.Slider


class YAHOO.widget.Slider
extends YAHOO.util.DragDrop

Field Summary [top]

boolean animate
Flag that determines if the thumb will animate when moved 
Slider thumb
a YAHOO.widget.SliderThumb instance that we will use to reposition the thumb when the background is clicked 
int tickPause
Adjustment factor for tick animation, the more ticks, the faster the animation (by default) 
boolean ANIM_AVAIL
By default, animation is available if the animation library is detected. 

Constructor Summary [top]

A DragDrop implementation that can be used as a background for a slider. 

Method Summary [top]

int getValue ()
Returns the slider's thumb offset from the start position 
int getXValue ()
Returns the slider's thumb X offset from the start position 
int getYValue ()
Returns the slider's thumb Y offset from the start position 
void lock ()
Lock the slider, overrides YAHOO.util.DragDrop 
void onChange (firstOffset, secondOffset)
Event that fires when the value of the slider has changed 
void onSlideEnd ()
Event that fires at the end of a slider thumb move 
void onSlideStart ()
Event that fires when the at the beginning of the slider thumb move 
boolean setRegionValue (<int> newOffset, <int> newOffset2, <boolean> skipAnim)
Provides a way to set the value of the region slider in code. 
void setStartSliderState ()
boolean setValue (<int> newOffset, <boolean> skipAnim, <boolean> force)
Provides a way to set the value of the slider in code. 
void unlock ()
Unlock the slider, overrides YAHOO.util.DragDrop 
boolean verifyOffset ()
Checks the background position element position. 
Slider getHorizSlider (<String> sBGElId, <String> sHandleElId, <int> iLeft, <int> iRight, <int> iTickSize)
Factory method for creating a horizontal slider 
Slider getSliderRegion (<String> sBGElId, <String> sHandleElId, <int> iLeft, <int> iRight, <int> iUp, <int> iDown, <int> iTickSize)
Factory method for creating a slider region like the one in the color picker example 
Slider getVertSlider (<String> sBGElId, <String> sHandleElId, <int> iUp, <int> iDown, <int> iTickSize)
Factory method for creating a vertical slider 

Field Detail [top]


boolean   animate
Flag that determines if the thumb will animate when moved


Slider   thumb
a YAHOO.widget.SliderThumb instance that we will use to reposition the thumb when the background is clicked


int   tickPause
Adjustment factor for tick animation, the more ticks, the faster the animation (by default)


boolean   ANIM_AVAIL
By default, animation is available if the animation library is detected.

Constructor Detail [top]


YAHOO.widget.Slider ()
A DragDrop implementation that can be used as a background for a slider. It takes a reference to the thumb instance so it can delegate some of the events to it. The goal is to make the thumb jump to the location on the background when the background is clicked.
id - the id of the element linked to this instance
sGroup - the group of related DragDrop items

Method Detail [top]


int getValue ()
Returns the slider's thumb offset from the start position
the current value


int getXValue ()
Returns the slider's thumb X offset from the start position
the current horizontal offset


int getYValue ()
Returns the slider's thumb Y offset from the start position
the current vertical offset


void lock ()
Lock the slider, overrides YAHOO.util.DragDrop


void onChange (firstOffset, secondOffset)
Event that fires when the value of the slider has changed
offsetFromStart - the number of pixels the thumb has moved from its start position


void onSlideEnd ()
Event that fires at the end of a slider thumb move


void onSlideStart ()
Event that fires when the at the beginning of the slider thumb move


boolean setRegionValue (<int> newOffset, <int> newOffset2, <boolean> skipAnim)
Provides a way to set the value of the region slider in code.
newOffset - the number of pixels the thumb should be positioned away from the initial start point
newOffset2 - the number of pixels the thumb should be positioned away from the initial start point (y axis for region)
skipAnim - set to true to disable the animation for this move action (but not others).
force - ignore the locked setting and set value anyway
true if the move was performed, false if it failed


void setStartSliderState ()


boolean setValue (<int> newOffset, <boolean> skipAnim, <boolean> force)
Provides a way to set the value of the slider in code.
newOffset - the number of pixels the thumb should be positioned away from the initial start point
skipAnim - set to true to disable the animation for this move action (but not others).
force - ignore the locked setting and set value anyway
true if the move was performed, false if it failed


void unlock ()
Unlock the slider, overrides YAHOO.util.DragDrop


boolean verifyOffset ()
Checks the background position element position. If it has moved from the baseline position, the constraints for the thumb are reset
True if the offset is the same as the baseline.


Slider getHorizSlider (<String> sBGElId, <String> sHandleElId, <int> iLeft, <int> iRight, <int> iTickSize)
Factory method for creating a horizontal slider
sBGElId - the id of the slider's background element
sHandleElId - the id of the thumb element
iLeft - the number of pixels the element can move left
iRight - the number of pixels the element can move right
iTickSize - optional parameter for specifying that the element should move a certain number pixels at a time.
a horizontal slider control


Slider getSliderRegion (<String> sBGElId, <String> sHandleElId, <int> iLeft, <int> iRight, <int> iUp, <int> iDown, <int> iTickSize)
Factory method for creating a slider region like the one in the color picker example
sBGElId - the id of the slider's background element
sHandleElId - the id of the thumb element
iLeft - the number of pixels the element can move left
iRight - the number of pixels the element can move right
iUp - the number of pixels the element can move up
iDown - the number of pixels the element can move down
iTickSize - optional parameter for specifying that the element should move a certain number pixels at a time.
a slider region control


Slider getVertSlider (<String> sBGElId, <String> sHandleElId, <int> iUp, <int> iDown, <int> iTickSize)
Factory method for creating a vertical slider
sBGElId - the id of the slider's background element
sHandleElId - the id of the thumb element
iUp - the number of pixels the element can move up
iDown - the number of pixels the element can move down
iTickSize - optional parameter for specifying that the element should move a certain number pixels at a time.
a vertical slider control