Class YAHOO.widget.Tooltip


class YAHOO.widget.Tooltip

Field Summary [top]

Constant representing the Tooltip CSS class 
class superclass
Reference to the Tooltip's superclass, Overlay 

Fields inherited from class YAHOO.widget.Overlay [top]

Constructor Summary [top]

Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! 

Method Summary [top]

void configContainer (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "container" property is changed. 
void configContext (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "context" property is changed. 
void configPreventOverlap (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "preventoverlap" property is changed. 
void configText (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "text" property is changed. 
void doHide ()
Sets the timeout for the auto-dismiss delay, which by default is 5 seconds, meaning that a tooltip will automatically dismiss itself after 5 seconds of being displayed. 
int doShow (<DOMEvent> e)
Processes the showing of the Tooltip by setting the timeout delay and offset of the Tooltip. 
void init (<string> <Element> el, <object> userConfig)
The Module class's initialization method, which is executed for Module and all of its subclasses. 
void initDefaultConfig ()
Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed using the Overlay's Config object (cfg). 
void onContextMouseOut (<DOMEvent> e, <object> obj)
The default event handler fired when the user mouses out of the context element. 
void onContextMouseOver (<DOMEvent> e, <object> obj)
The default event handler fired when the user mouses over the context element. 
void preventOverlap (type, args, obj)
Fired when the Tooltip is moved, this event handler is used to prevent the Tooltip from overlapping with its context element. 

Field Detail [top]


string   CSS_TOOLTIP
Constant representing the Tooltip CSS class


class   superclass
Reference to the Tooltip's superclass, Overlay

Constructor Detail [top]


YAHOO.widget.Tooltip ()
Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License:
el - The element ID representing the Tooltip OR
el - The element representing the Tooltip
userConfig - The configuration object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this Overlay. See configuration documentation for more details.

Method Detail [top]


void configContainer (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "container" property is changed. HASH(0x1db19f0)


void configContext (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "context" property is changed. HASH(0x1d7885c)


void configPreventOverlap (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "preventoverlap" property is changed. HASH(0x1db4288)


void configText (type, args, obj)
The default event handler fired when the "text" property is changed. HASH(0x1db32a4)


void doHide ()
Sets the timeout for the auto-dismiss delay, which by default is 5 seconds, meaning that a tooltip will automatically dismiss itself after 5 seconds of being displayed. HASH(0x1ddf20c)


int doShow (<DOMEvent> e)
Processes the showing of the Tooltip by setting the timeout delay and offset of the Tooltip.
e - The current DOM event
The process ID of the timeout function associated with doShow


void init (<string> <Element> el, <object> userConfig)
The Module class's initialization method, which is executed for Module and all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
el - The element ID representing the Module OR
el - The element representing the Module
userConfig - The configuration object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this module. See configuration documentation for more details.


void initDefaultConfig ()
Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed using the Overlay's Config object (cfg). HASH(0x1db3e44)


void onContextMouseOut (<DOMEvent> e, <object> obj)
The default event handler fired when the user mouses out of the context element.
e - The current DOM event
obj - The object argument


void onContextMouseOver (<DOMEvent> e, <object> obj)
The default event handler fired when the user mouses over the context element.
e - The current DOM event
obj - The object argument


void preventOverlap (type, args, obj)
Fired when the Tooltip is moved, this event handler is used to prevent the Tooltip from overlapping with its context element. HASH(0x1dfd50c)