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YAHOO.util.Config Config is a utility used within an object to allow the implementer to maintain a list of local configuration properties and listen for changes to those properties dynamically using CustomEvent.
YAHOO.util.KeyListener KeyListener is a utility that provides an easy interface for listening for keydown/keyup events fired against DOM elements.
YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect ContainerEffect encapsulates animation transitions that are executed when an Overlay is shown or hidden.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog Dialog is an implementation of Panel that can be used to submit form data.
YAHOO.widget.Module Module is a JavaScript representation of the Standard Module Format.
YAHOO.widget.Overlay Overlay is a Module that is absolutely positioned above the page flow.
YAHOO.widget.OverlayEffect OverlayEffect encapsulates animation transitions that are executed when an Overlay is shown or hidden.
YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager OverlayManager is used for maintaining the focus status of multiple Overlays.
YAHOO.widget.Panel Panel is an implementation of Overlay that behaves like an OS window, with a draggable header and an optional close icon at the top right.
YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog SimpleDialog is a simple implementation of Dialog that can be used to submit a single value.
YAHOO.widget.Tooltip Tooltip is an implementation of Overlay that behaves like an OS tooltip, displaying when the user mouses over a particular element, and disappearing on mouse out.