Class YAHOO.widget.MenuModule

Direct Known Subclasses:
YAHOO.widget.Menu, YAHOO.widget.MenuBar

class YAHOO.widget.MenuModule
extends YAHOO.widget.Overlay

Field Summary [top]

{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} clickEvent
Fires when the user clicks the on a MenuModule instance. 
Constant representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the root HTMLDivElement of the MenuModule instance. 
Constant representing the tagname of the HTMLElement used to title a group of items. 
YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem ITEM_TYPE
Constant representing the type of item to instantiate and add when parsing the child nodes (either HTMLLIElement, HTMLOptGroupElement or HTMLOptionElement) of a menu's DOM. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} keyDownEvent
Fires when the user presses a key. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} keyPressEvent
Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} keyUpEvent
Fires when the user releases a key. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} mouseDownEvent
Fires when the user mouses down on a MenuModule instance. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} mouseOutEvent
Fires when the mouse has left a MenuModule instance. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} mouseOverEvent
Fires when the mouse has entered a MenuModule instance. 
{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} mouseUpEvent
Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over a MenuModule instance. 
{YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem} parent
Returns a MenuModule instance's parent object. 
{HTMLSelectElement/HTMLDivElement} srcElement
Returns the HTMLElement (either HTMLSelectElement or HTMLDivElement) used create the MenuModule instance. 
Object superclass

Method Summary [top]

YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem addItem (<YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem> p_oItem, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Appends the specified item to a MenuModule instance. 
void clearActiveItem ()
Sets the "selected" configuration property of a MenuModule instance's active item to "false," blurs the item and hide's the item's submenu. 
void configPosition (<String> p_sType, <Array> p_aArguments, <YAHOO.widget.MenuModule> p_oMenuModule)
Event handler for when the "position" configuration property of a MenuModule changes. 
void destroy ()
Removes the MenuModule instance's element from the DOM and sets all child elements to null. 
void enforceConstraints (type, args, obj)
The default event handler executed when the moveEvent is fired, if the "constraintoviewport" configuration property is set to true. 
YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem getItem (<Number> p_nItemIndex, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Returns the item at the specified index. 
Array getItemGroups ()
Returns a multi-dimensional array of all of a MenuModule's items. 
void init (<String Id or HTMLElement> p_oElement, <Object> p_oUserConfig)
The MenuModule class's initialization method. 
void initDefaultConfig ()
Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed using the MenuModule's Config object (cfg). 
YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem insertItem (<YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem> p_oItem, <Number> p_nItemIndex, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Inserts an item into a MenuModule instance at the specified index. 
YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem removeItem (<String or HTMLElement> p_oObject, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Removes the specified item from a MenuModule instance. 
void setInitialFocus ()
Sets focus to a MenuModule instance's first enabled item. 
void setInitialSelection ()
Sets the "selected" configuration property of a MenuModule instance's first enabled item to "true." 
void setItemGroupTitle (<String> p_sGroupTitle, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Sets the title of a group of items. 

Field Detail [top]


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   clickEvent
Fires when the user clicks the on a MenuModule instance. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


Constant representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the root HTMLDivElement of the MenuModule instance.


Constant representing the tagname of the HTMLElement used to title a group of items.


YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem   ITEM_TYPE
Constant representing the type of item to instantiate and add when parsing the child nodes (either HTMLLIElement, HTMLOptGroupElement or HTMLOptionElement) of a menu's DOM. The default is YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   keyDownEvent
Fires when the user presses a key. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   keyPressEvent
Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   keyUpEvent
Fires when the user releases a key. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   mouseDownEvent
Fires when the user mouses down on a MenuModule instance. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   mouseOutEvent
Fires when the mouse has left a MenuModule instance. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   mouseOverEvent
Fires when the mouse has entered a MenuModule instance. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent}   mouseUpEvent
Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over a MenuModule instance. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


{YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem}   parent
Returns a MenuModule instance's parent object.


{HTMLSelectElement/HTMLDivElement}   srcElement
Returns the HTMLElement (either HTMLSelectElement or HTMLDivElement) used create the MenuModule instance.


Object   superclass

Constructor Detail [top]


YAHOO.widget.MenuModule ()
p_oElement - String id or HTMLElement (either HTMLSelectElement or HTMLDivElement) of the source HTMLElement node.
p_oUserConfig - Optional. The configuration object literal containing the configuration for a MenuModule instance. See configuration class documentation for more details.

Method Detail [top]


YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem addItem (<YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem> p_oItem, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Appends the specified item to a MenuModule instance.
p_oItem - The item to be added.
p_nGroupIndex - Optional. Number indicating the group to which the item belongs.
The item that was added to the MenuModule.


void clearActiveItem ()
Sets the "selected" configuration property of a MenuModule instance's active item to "false," blurs the item and hide's the item's submenu.


void configPosition (<String> p_sType, <Array> p_aArguments, <YAHOO.widget.MenuModule> p_oMenuModule)
Event handler for when the "position" configuration property of a MenuModule changes.
p_sType - The name of the event that was fired.
p_aArguments - Collection of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oMenuModule - The MenuModule instance fired the event.


void destroy ()
Removes the MenuModule instance's element from the DOM and sets all child elements to null.


void enforceConstraints (type, args, obj)
The default event handler executed when the moveEvent is fired, if the "constraintoviewport" configuration property is set to true.


YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem getItem (<Number> p_nItemIndex, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Returns the item at the specified index.
p_nItemIndex - Number indicating the ordinal position of the item to be retrieved.
p_nGroupIndex - Optional. Number indicating the group to which the item belongs.
An item.


Array getItemGroups ()
Returns a multi-dimensional array of all of a MenuModule's items.
An array of items.


void init (<String Id or HTMLElement> p_oElement, <Object> p_oUserConfig)
The MenuModule class's initialization method. This method is automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
p_oUserConfig - Optional. The configuration object literal containing the configuration for a MenuModule instance. See configuration class documentation for more details.
p_oElement - String id or HTMLElement (either HTMLSelectElement or HTMLDivElement) of the source HTMLElement node.


void initDefaultConfig ()
Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed using the MenuModule's Config object (cfg).


YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem insertItem (<YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem> p_oItem, <Number> p_nItemIndex, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Inserts an item into a MenuModule instance at the specified index.
p_oItem - The item to be inserted.
p_nItemIndex - Number indicating the ordinal position at which the item should be added.
p_nGroupIndex - Optional. Number indicating the group to which the item belongs.
The item that was inserted into the MenuModule.


YAHOO.widget.MenuModuleItem removeItem (<String or HTMLElement> p_oObject, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Removes the specified item from a MenuModule instance.
p_nGroupIndex - Optional. Number indicating the group to which the item belongs.
YAHOO - .widget.MenuModuleItem/Number} p_oObject The item or index of the item to be removed.
The item that was removed from the MenuModule.


void setInitialFocus ()
Sets focus to a MenuModule instance's first enabled item.


void setInitialSelection ()
Sets the "selected" configuration property of a MenuModule instance's first enabled item to "true."


void setItemGroupTitle (<String> p_sGroupTitle, <Number> p_nGroupIndex)
Sets the title of a group of items.
p_sGroupTitle - The title of the group.
p_nGroupIndex - Optional. Number indicating the group to which the title belongs.