
Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:

* @class Extends YAHOO.widget.MenuModule to provide a set of default mouse and 
* key event behaviors.
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.widget.MenuModule
* @base YAHOO.widget.MenuModule
* @param {String or HTMLElement} p_oElement String id or HTMLElement 
* (either HTMLSelectElement or HTMLDivElement) of the source HTMLElement node.
* @param {Object} p_oUserConfig Optional. The configuration object literal 
* containing the configuration for a Menu instance. See 
* configuration class documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Menu = function(p_oElement, p_oUserConfig) {

    if(arguments.length > 0) {



YAHOO.widget.Menu.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.MenuModule();
YAHOO.widget.Menu.prototype.constructor = YAHOO.widget.Menu;
YAHOO.widget.Menu.superclass = YAHOO.widget.MenuModule.prototype;

* The Menu class's initialization method. This method is automatically 
* called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing 
* markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
* @param {String or HTMLElement} p_oElement String id or HTMLElement 
* (either HTMLSelectElement or HTMLDivElement) of the source HTMLElement node.
* @param {Object} p_oUserConfig Optional. The configuration object literal 
* containing the configuration for a Menu instance. See 
* configuration class documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Menu.prototype.init = function(p_oElement, p_oUserConfig) {

    if(!this.ITEM_TYPE) {

        this.ITEM_TYPE = YAHOO.widget.MenuItem;


    // Call the init of the superclass (YAHOO.widget.Menu), p_oElement);;

    // Add event handlers

    this.mouseOverEvent.subscribe(this._onMouseOver, this, true);
    this.keyDownEvent.subscribe(this._onKeyDown, this, true);

    if(p_oUserConfig) {

        this.cfg.applyConfig(p_oUserConfig, true);



// Private event handlers

* "mouseover" Custom Event handler for a Menu instance.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType The name of the event that was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArguments Collection of arguments sent when the event 
* was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Menu} p_oMenu The Menu instance that fired the event.
YAHOO.widget.Menu.prototype._onMouseOver = 

    function(p_sType, p_aArguments, p_oMenu) {
            If the menu is a submenu, then select the menu's parent
            MenuItem instance
        if(this.parent) {
            this.parent.cfg.setProperty("selected", true);

* "mouseover" Custom Event handler for a Menu instance.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType The name of the event that was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArguments Collection of arguments sent when the event 
* was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Menu} p_oMenu The Menu instance that fired the event.
YAHOO.widget.Menu.prototype._onKeyDown = 

    function(p_sType, p_aArguments, p_oMenu) {
        if(this.cfg.getProperty("position") == "dynamic") {
            var oEvent = p_aArguments[0];
            if(oEvent.keyCode == 27) { // Esc key
                // Set focus to the parent MenuItem if one exists
                if(this.parent) {

                    if(this.parent.parent instanceof YAHOO.widget.Menu) {

                        this.parent.cfg.setProperty("selected", true);